“Settling In”, an original ficlet

PHOTO PROMPT: Copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Prompt ©: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Title: Settling In

The breeze cooled against my damp, still slick skin. With the city water lines busted along the corner of Main and Might, showering was a luxury—didn’t stop the little zing of pleasure down my spine.

I looked over the porch rail, smiling at the flowers blooming along the edges. Nothing felt quite as good as coming home after a long day at work. Of curling up on the swing, watching the world go by. Waving at Diana as she passed by with Bulldog Bill, I opened a book.

Home was where the heart was.


Written for the Friday Fictioneers, where you write up a story in a 100 words words or less based on a prompt. This week was the balcony/porch. Inspired? Don’t forget to check out the prompt yourself. Curious? Go see what inspired others.

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Owner of Wild Pantheon Press, Clever Girl, and Research Queen Productions. Working on rewriting human interest from global to local. Diabetic Dystopia shows the progress of surviving and learning how to handle Type 1 diabetes.

7 thoughts on ““Settling In”, an original ficlet”

    1. Thank you very much, Rochelle. It’s been awhile since I stretched my creative writing muscles on a regular basis and I think this will help. You’d never know I was an English major. As for the story, living in the south all my life, that’s how I saw home. Curling up on a sunny afternoon and watching the world go by. It’s something I noticed a lot of people doing, no matter circumstances. Just observing and enjoying quiet time.


    1. I think of my summers, of growing up poor, and wishing for a porch attached to big old house. I love the certain distinction a porch gives a house. A place where life happens, the moment your foot steps on the material.

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      1. Yes, that is true. My grandmother’s house had a big covered porch with a railing around it. I loved that porch. I would often go out and sit on it and watch life happen.


      2. I used to do that on the pier docks of my godmother’s townhome community. You could sit in the seat, watch the world go by while propping feet up, and reading a book as the inlet flowed around you, especially at high tide.

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